Trinity has many performing arts opportunities across many disciplines. Students are invited to participate no matter their level of experience. 以下是关于这些组的信息.


thdn - 309. (.5学分)

Music by Richard Rodgers                                                                                                                                                                Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein III                                                                                                                                                        New Book by Douglas Carter Beane                                                                                                                                          Original Book by Oscar Hammerstein III

灰姑娘 is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of The Rodgers & 汉默斯坦组织


什么: 罗杰斯和汉默斯坦的THDN作品的试镜 灰姑娘

: 11月6日星期一和11月7日星期二晚上7:00-9:00. 请选择其中一个晚上参加.

地点: 三一公共表演实验室(tc152)

Callbacks will be held on Monday November 13th 和 Tuesday November 14th, 晚上7-9点在三一公共表演实验室(tc152). You will be notified by email if you are called back by Friday November 10th.

生产信息 & 投

米歇尔Ong-Hendrick他是戏剧与舞蹈学院的客座助理教授,正在寻找演员 9位校长和5-7人的合奏. 点击 在这里 for more information about the audition process including a full schedule 和 rehearsal information.




来到教堂南修道院(外面), 在这些试镜时间里面对着四边形, 无需预约.




关于我们: We are students who love to sing challenging choral music at Chapel services, 大学的场合, 在音乐会上. Our repertoire spans centuries 和 includes many works by historically marginalized composers.

承诺: 星期一及星期三(下午四点半至六时)排练.m.),大部份星期日在教堂唱歌(下午三点半至五点半).m.) Membership is a signifiant commitment as we are paid, student employees of the Chapel. Our members hold a variety of religious 和 spiritual beliefs, 和 all are welcome.

关于试镜: 热身好,准备唱歌. You will sing some scales 和 sight read a few bars of music (it’s everyone’s least favorite part, 尽你最大的努力吧。. 最后,我们中的一些人会教你一小段. Membership usually requires some previous experience reading sheet music.

任何问题: 请全球最大的网投平台的总统, 玛丽莲·布拉克,25岁 或者我们的导演, Christopher Houlihan ' 09.

音乐- 105. (.5学分)

The 信誉最好的网投十大平台 仪器集合体 Program is a half-credit course that supports the study 和 performance of music from five centuries of chamber music repertoire. 每学期, groups are formed 和 assigned a professional musical coach 和 repertoire to study 和 prepare for performance. The goal of the program is to provide the students with an opportunity to survey the vast literature of chamber music, 并接受合奏技巧的训练.

试镜需要试镜. 给Nancy Curran发邮件询问问题并安排面试. 试镜 are about 15 minutes 和 students should play a scale of their choice, 也可以是他们自己选择的一段准备好的作品或乐章.

联系:南希·柯伦,项目协调员 (电子邮件保护).

音乐- 109. (.5学分)


爵士乐是美国特有的艺术形式! 爵士乐团研究并演奏艾灵顿的作品, 和尚, 柯川, 汉考克, 和其他人, 以及艾伦教授和小组成员的原创作品. Styles span the gamut of jazz history, from traditional swing to bebop to all sorts of jazz fusions. 我们将努力提高个人和团队的水平, 专注于创造性的即兴创作, 组相互作用, 和坚实的凹槽.

试镜海选将在第一堂课进行. 第一节课将于9月6日星期二晚上7:30开始.m. – 8:45 p.m. 在音乐厅(AAC, 102室. 坐落在楼下.).

会议时间星期二和星期四,晚上七点半.m. – 8:45 p.m.奥斯汀艺术中心102室.

联系珍·艾伦,公司主管 (电子邮件保护).


音乐108 (0.50信贷) 

Students in this ensemble will learn the history 和 social significance of steel pan music in Trinidad. 另外, they will underst和 the musical roles of each instrument in the ensemble 和 learn the techniques associated with playing each of them. Students will be expected to learn 和 memorize arrangements of classical, 受欢迎的, 还有传统的卡利普索音乐. 音乐将由老师以口头和死记硬背的方式教授, 柯蒂斯Greenidge, 来自特立尼达的钢铁锅老师.


会议时间: 9月7日星期三开始,全部在aac102音乐厅举行

周一晚上7:30.m. – 9:00 p.m.
星期三晚上7:30.m. – 9:00 p.m.

联系: Mr. 柯蒂斯Greenidge,主管: (电子邮件保护)

音乐- 111 (0.50信贷) 

This ensemble primarily performs various carnival 和 other drumming 和 singing traditions of Brazil. 相关的音乐风格和音乐流派也包括在内. 以前的性能经验是不需要的, 学生可以选修这门课程超过一个学期. 桑巴合奏演奏事件在校园内和校外贯穿全年. We are looking for various instrumentalists: guitar, bass, trombone, saxophone, keyboards, etc. 作为整体的补充. 必须得到教练的许可.

试镜请通过电子邮件直接联系Eric Galm教授, 星期三来参加第一次班会, 9月7日下午6点.m. 在格鲁斯音乐厅,aac102.


周一,下午6点.m. – 7:30 p.m.
星期三下午6点.m. – 7:30 p.m.

联系Eric Galm教授,主任: (电子邮件保护)

音乐- 107 (0.50信贷)

Trinity offers students the opportunity to study either a musical instrument or voice with Music Department approved instructors.

To receive the “Questionnaire 和 Guidelines” about MUSC 107 Music Lessons, 请联系Jen Allen, 教师协调员, at: (电子邮件保护)

课程的先决条件:  A basic underst和ing of note reading 和 music terminology is required for music lessons. Please contact Jen Allen if you would like to apply for a waiver of this requirement. 如果你以前没有乐谱的经验, you may concurrently take MUSC-101 Basic Musicianship to fulfill this requirement.

课程要求:  Attendance at a scheduled orientation meeting during the Add/Drop period for Lessons is required, 稍后通知. 给珍·艾伦发邮件询问入学日期.

Successful completion of 11 one-hour lessons with a Music Department-approved lessons instructor.

Attendance at the musicians’ workshop 和 end-of-semester recital, dates 和 times to be announced.

除了学费, students are required to pay their instructor a fee of $600 for the semester. Students who qualify for Trinity Grant financial aid 和 who are taking Lessons for credit may be eligible for an award to pay this fee. The questionnaire in the “Questionnaire 和 Guidelines” serves as the application for a Trinity Grant for Music Lessons as well as the first step to enroll in Lessons.  Submit your questionnaire during or before the first week of classes to be considered among the first group of Trinity Grant applicants. Additional applications will be accepted if t在这里 are additional Grants to be awarded.

会议时间: Each student 和 instructor will schedule weekly one-hour lessons based on their particular schedules. 学生应直接与指导老师联系. See instructors’ contact information in the Questionnaire 和 Guidelines.

登记延长添加/删除截止日期:9月11日星期五. 16, 2022

联系:珍·艾伦教授,音乐课教师协调员 (电子邮件保护)


信誉最好的网投十大平台福音唱诗班表演.信誉最好的网投十大平台福音唱诗班, 一个成立超过25年的学生组织, 将福音音乐的重要传统带到三位一体社区. Members of the Gospel Choir enhance the group’s music program through elements of dance, 口语, 以及来自传统非裔美国人教堂的祈祷.

TCGC还在校园建立社区,促进社会变革. Seasonal concerts, offered once each semester, are the core of the program.

无需试镜: Come to the first TCGC meeting of the semester on Tuesday, September 12 at 7:30 p.我在教堂唱诗班教室. 不需要之前的音乐经验. 排演于每周二晚上7:30-9:00举行.m. in the Chapel Choir Room (go down the main aisle, turn right 和 go down the stairs).

联系:联系TCGC总裁 杰达·克拉克,26岁,或TCGC音乐部长 安东尼•威廉姆斯约翰·海斯.